2024 Fall Harvest Missions Retreat

Christians Globally Effecting Missions Strategy invites you to our 22nd Annual Fall Harvest Missions Retreat – OCT. 18 & 19, 2024!


Thank You

Thank You Precious GEMS

We pray that this letter finds you well, safe and trusting our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in these uncertain times and that your Christmas was Blessed! May we look to the New Year with Hope and Expectancy knowing that He will never leave us nor forsake us! He will continue to carry us through!

Again, we thank you for your prayers and your monetary gifts. May God continue to richly bless you as you continue to support His work.

Thank You

C-GEMS Purpose

The purpose of Christians Globally Effecting Missions (GEMS) is to teach and aid churches of African Descent to fulfil Christ’s biblical mandate for world evangelization in our Jerusalem (community), Judea (city), Samaria (country) and the uttermost parts of the world (the distant parts), by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 1:8
Matthew 28:19-20
Matthew 21:14
Mark 16:15-16
John 20:21

Our Strategy

Christian Globally Effecting Missions Strategy’s desire is to aid churches to get started in their mission’s commitment and to help them through a process that will yield a strong missions base for involvement in World Evangelization. A mission’s commitment should be evident in the life of the church. The basic steps towards achieving this goal are:

  • Start a Global Intercessory Prayer Ministry
  • Receive training in the area of missions involvement according to the Scriptures
  • Start a Missions Team/Ministry
  • Develop a missions budget and policy manual
  • Support World Missions financially
  • Send individuals on purposeful short-term missions trip
  • Develop individuals for long term missionary service

Our Vision

To aid churches primarily of African descent to develop a missions team that will lead their church to:
(1) Pray for world evangelization;
(2) Give to world evangelization;
(3) Go and send disciples into all the world to preach the gospel to every creature.
(Matthew 9:35; II Corinthians ch. 8,9; Mark 16:15; and Acts 13:1-5)

Become a C-GEMS Network Missionary.  Get Involved.

We are committed to developing this network to include every believer in this call regardless of the size of congregation or lack of funds. We can only complete this “Great Commission” as we unite in His Spirit.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

If you are a full-time career, cross-cultural Missionary and would like to become one of our network missionaries, please send for our review your vision, goals and country where you are serving to the address below  or email us.

CGEMS PO Box 25225 Philadelphia, PA 19119

Call Us: (267) 693-9065